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Mainly For Brummies But All Are Welcome To Join In The Birmingham Fun & Chat |
Posted by mollymandysb
morning all, a treat for me to be on here so early.
thought i had better put my penny worth in.
i am not patriotic - I AM A CITIZEN AND NOT A SUBJECT - when the people of this country get their acts together and shunt the royal scroungers out then we may see some differences. we are so brainwashed, other countries have royal familities but none are treated like ours, the dutch and danish act like ordinary people (rich ones maybe) but until we stop looking up to these people there is no chance of the working classes ever receiving the recognition they deserve - this is what i meant the other day sb. we should all be treated equally because we are human beings not because we have been born into a rich family.
my family roots are cheshire/shrewsbury so that is english, but welsh (which i am proud of) french and danish. do your family history and see if you are all true english but i can bet you you wont be, we have been mixed up with some many races that have taken over this land, oh, i forgot the romans.
here, in redditch, we do have italian, french, german markets. on my local square on a wednesday a local farmer brings his produce down and has a stall. of course, round this way we have a lot of farm shops selling local produce and of course there is a lovely country.farmers market in evesham on a saturday.
Yes Steph
President Blaire would have been interesting, he was bad enough as a lap dog Senator.
Now they are talking about a Mayor for Birmingham with unlimited powers. Bring back the Romans.
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
Why not, mind you if we had a republic, lets hope it would have effective border guards. We Could take on a few hundred thousand Russians. They wouldn't mess about. We would of course have to take in their family's and give them Benefits. Great idea. ?
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
hi John
I take it you are signman, well i think the forum had enough of one old fogie today, but i am only 63.
i dont dislike the royal family as people just what they stand for, the establishment and the way the people of the land take it all in, its a bit like the 'kings new clothes', the conservative party and the church are all part of a big establishment to keep us lesser mortals in check.
Posts: | 445 |
Date registered | 08.11.2011 |
we really did digress from the real thread that being about the german market.
why dont birmingham have an english christmas market, other cities do. worcester has a victorian christmas market, lincoln has a christmas market, bath has a christmas market and i think rochester (may be wrong) has a dickensian christmas market. i think redditch has a victorian market.
i like the smell of the mulled wine and mince pies.
one of the nicest nights in redditch is when the salvation army have their christmas carol concert in the town square, inside the shopping centre, there are mince pies etc. very nice and you keep warm.
wrapped up most of my prezzies now, still got some more to buy tho. did a load last night then this morning could not find the sellotape anywhere (am repeating myself here) so had to go to the local corner shop where he wanted to charge me £2.oo for a roll, i said no and walked to the local centre where i got the same one for 99p.
here s a brummie saying (I had never heard of it before i came to birmingham and understand it is a midands saying) - harley barley sb. anyone remember it.
Posts: | 445 |
Date registered | 08.11.2011 |
Maybe there are not enough English people in Birmingham to support it. Now if we had a Polish Market..................................................
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
read the rest of my thread
harley barley
Posts: | 445 |
Date registered | 08.11.2011 |
Posted by mollymandysb
we really did digress from the real thread that being about the german market.
why dont birmingham have an english christmas market, other cities do. worcester has a victorian christmas market, lincoln has a christmas market, bath has a christmas market and i think rochester (may be wrong) has a dickensian christmas market. i think redditch has a victorian market.
i like the smell of the mulled wine and mince pies.
one of the nicest nights in redditch is when the salvation army have their christmas carol concert in the town square, inside the shopping centre, there are mince pies etc. very nice and you keep warm.
wrapped up most of my prezzies now, still got some more to buy tho. did a load last night then this morning could not find the sellotape anywhere (am repeating myself here) so had to go to the local corner shop where he wanted to charge me £2.oo for a roll, i said no and walked to the local centre where i got the same one for 99p.
here s a brummie saying (I had never heard of it before i came to birmingham and understand it is a midands saying) - harley barley sb. anyone remember it.
Don't know any extension on that one Steph. when we were playong Tig or Tag we used to shout Barley so that you were safe -no-one could Tig you. But I don't know anymore.
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
yes the full saying was harley barley.
Posts: | 445 |
Date registered | 08.11.2011 |
To be fair all we said as kids as I said was Barley.
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
If you read my post 12939 you will understand maybe, why we have no english markets.
Posted by signman
Morning SB,
Have you been rehearsing that all night ha ha.
Seriously I think the reason why a lot of people don't attend the English market is because most of the traders just sell the same old rubbish,
and most of those traders are not english,just cashing in as they do at most events.
At least the german one sells a few new things and I do like the sweet stall,although a bit pricey.
We have a French one here about 2 -3 times a year,very well supported and there again some new and novel things.
We also have a number of English food and drink events throughout the year, these are a complete rip-off, supposed to be farmers markets
and selling stuff like cheese,wine, bread.
Vastly overpriced and a complete waste of space,3 crusty loaves for a fiver, bargain, NOT, they are no bigger than a crusty cob you can buy anywhere for 5p.
A bottle of organic wine and small lump of cheese £17.50, and it's amazing how the proverbial burger and curry vans appear from nowhere
at all of these events,there again at hiked up prices.
We sell Fosters lager at £3.60 a pint, and we are one of the cheaper outlets,last spring,there was a bar charging £4.10 at the farmers market,
why are these booze sellers allowed at these events.
We also have a Chilli fair twice a year, they charge as much for a chilli pepper as the shops charge for 3,there again the bars infiltrate amongst the other stalls,but considering what some of the idiots eat ,they need something to cool their palates.
I haven't even started on the royal family,have to get my second breath and have another coffee, by the way did I say good morning, nice sharp ,sunny morning so far.
Dead Right John
It just goes to show how popular a market would be at the right price. the trouble is i know some of the organisers charge the stallholders an arm and a leg, becausethey can.
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
morning all....
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
morning john...well for starters ive a shed load of leaves to gather from the front garden,,do a bit of housework..pop to the shops for some xmas cards..promised myself i wouldnt leave them till the last min this year....what you up to today...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |