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The closest I can get date wise is 1913 and there is no Bowmer listed anywhere at that date. Perhaps Mike who has a bigger library of Kelly's Directories than myself can get closer.
Teh 1913, 1915 and 1921 Kellys do not list any Bowmers. However the electoral roll for 1920 list mary & john bowmer at 101 nechells Park road. This is the coop bakery in 1921 and not listed in 1915. so it was maybe a short-lived shop at 101, though they are living there also in 1922 & 1925.
If that is the shop , 101 is in red
Posts: | 3.265 |
Date registered | 12.26.2009 |
Thank you Phil, Mike, I now know where the shop once was infact the shop next door was a shoe shop when I was a kid in the sixty's known as Better foot wear which was on the corner of Austin street and Nechells Park road I did purchase my first pair of boots from there big tuf to keep up with the fashion at the time.
My mom used to get my shoes from there as well. Leather t bar shoes and all my friends were wearing the fashions of the day lol
Posts: | 181 |
Date registered | 04.13.2013 |
Heres one I hardly remember yet I played in a school playground opposite for about two or three years years. It's the corner of Scott St and Erskine St.
Hi Phil, and here is one for you
The corner of Great Lister street and Little Francis street.
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This is where The Highland Laddie pub was in earlier times.
Is this the Highland Laddie you mean? Do you know I didn't even know I had got this and I don't remember where it came from, it's not one of your is it?
Thats the one Phil, it is not one my pictures personally I don't think my dad was born then never alone me.
I tell you what pudding it's strange because I have no recollection of acquiring it at all.
This would be I think the corner of Oliver St & Great Lister St at the beginning of the last century number 141 to be exact. I don't remember what was there in the 60's though I'm pretty sure it wasn't a bakery. Pudding have you got any idea?
Phil I think this part of oliver street and gt lister st and bloomsbury st corner was cleared before 1960's, infact you may have a photo of the said corner taken from high tower or Queens tower with the turks head pub which shows hoardings in the place where the once shop was.
I've got it located in my mind now, yes I do have that photo but it doesn't show that side of the road.
I've been thinking about this and I don't think the where the hoarding was located could have been the site of the shop in my photo (first photo). The shop on the left of the second photo must have been the one on the hoarding site. The shop in question was where the red X is on the map. Though I still have no recollection what was there in our time, perhaps that was a bomb site as well.
Hi Phil, I think the shop we are referring to must have been demolished after the war the reason I say this is I have google the area of the corner of oliver st and gt lister st the building of the shop is still there from what I can make out with a slate roofs,however this patch I think was develop when they built Queens tower? posting a few photos that you may be able to work it out.
look to the right side of the old bank that was on bloomsbury st you can make out the door way of the shop it appears to have a concrete roof.
The shop can be seen pretty clearly here it was taken in 1954, the original shop was obviously bombed out during the war and replaced with a ground floor only temporary replacement. Though I still don't remember the shop, there again I didn't do a lot of shopping in those days.