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RE: good morning

#226 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:36 pm

hi den..ive not done much today and i feel more tired than i did yesterday.....its raining cats and dogs here and very windy...



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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010

RE: good morning

#227 by phil ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:08 pm

It's quiet more or less everywhere I suppose it's the aftermath of Christmas. I suppose everybody is regretting all that money they spent and not looking forward to months months bank statements and credit card bills.


Make Love, Not War


RE: good morning

#228 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:56 pm

evening phil..and how old was you when that avatar pic was you even know where it was taken...just thinking about pics i have quite a few taken up to the age of about 3 then none till i was about 12...dont think our parents could always afford cameras in those days...


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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010

RE: good morning

#229 by signman ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:05 pm

Good evening everyone,
It's getting very boring on here, don't you have nothing else to say.


RE: good morning

#230 by phil ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:22 pm


Its hard to say anything when there is no one one here to answer, I could but I would be accused of talking to myself.


It was taken at The Swan Ballroom at a dinner & dance function, I was about 30 years of age it was late in the evening and I was well oiled. I know where and when every photo I have was taken even though I can't vouch for my state.


Make Love, Not War


RE: good morning

#231 by phil ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:29 pm


I must have been well oiled because here I am kissing the mother in law, no I jest she was a lovely woman, but you can see the wife is not amused she is giving me that "just wait until I get you home look"


Make Love, Not War

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RE: good morning

#232 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:38 pm

[Laugh Out Loud] phil..the wife looks like she was thinking of removing her wedding ring....or at least threatening to...[Laugh Out Loud]


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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010

RE: good morning

#233 by Deleted User , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:43 pm

Ha Ha Phil,if Jim is p***** and I am not then that is the look I have.God he is daft LOL but seems very witty if I am in the same state LOL

RE: good morning

#234 by signman ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:44 pm

Wrong finger Lyn.

Last edited Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:44 pm | Top

RE: good morning

#235 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:55 pm

Posted by signman
Wrong finger Lyn.

i know john...maybe she had already removed it and was putting it on the other hand...[Laugh Out Loud]


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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010

RE: good morning

#236 by signman ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:00 pm

Hello Lyn, knowing Phil , he was a bit devious and turned the photo the other way round.


RE: good morning

#237 by signman ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:08 pm

Well, had a good day in the pubs, bored now, going to bed, eating 4 rhubarb and custard pies ( they are only small) and then off to the land of nod, until about 4.30 (if I'm lucky) and then wide awake for another day, forecast heavy rain, hasn't happened yet, but you never know, goodnight all.


RE: good morning

#238 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:09 pm

now you leave phil alone john...[Laugh Out Loud]...whats the weather like in brighton...


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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010

RE: good morning

#239 by phil ( deleted ) , Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:34 pm

Listen when I was that age it was my permanent state, only the wife usually knew enough not to accompany me, but if I remember correctly the function was something to do with her aunt so all the family were there. Even my best mate and drinking partner Alf who is related to the wife. That was a big mistake inviting him because we didn't need any excuse to have one or two glasses to help the function go with a swing.


Make Love, Not War


RE: good morning

#240 by astoness , Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:39 pm

well looking at that pic phil it certainly seems a good time was had...and why not...[Big Smile]

i would say good night john but you have already gone..[Hammer Head Yellow]


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Posts: 15.017
Date registered 02.24.2010


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