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well i would love to see the old traditional bonfire night come back...the making of the guy and standing outside the pub or papershop with him collecting our firework money was a must.. then collecting anything we could find that wasnt nailed down and piling it up in the back garden to make our bonfire then clmbing up to sticking the guy on the top. and praying it didnt rain....but most of all i miss the smells..the smell of the smoke from the chimneys and the smell of sulpher from all the fireworks that were let off... and then down came the smog...oh and the smell of baked spuds in the always did us proud and mom would shout....put a glove on like the sparklers dont burn you....such a shame that the children of today cant experience the excitement we had on bonfire night..ahh well they were happy days...and days which i have recalled many times to my children...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
I suppose you mean something like this one at Small Heath Park in the 70's. But I saw a bigger one at Nechells in the 60's. It was started by all the local kids, but it got that big it was taken over by the council. It was on the corner of Ashted Row and Great Francis St where the school is now. That was about 1961-2 I think.
Make Love, Not War
nice pic phil...our fires were always big but not that big...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Our bonfire was always on the "landmine" which was the corner of Scholefield St. and Oliver St. it was massive, and many a time it was still smouldering 3 days later-wilders penny bangers and thunderflashes.
Don't you think those cheap fireworks, penny bangers, jumping jacks, sparklers and the rest were better (and cheaper) than these sticks of TNT and pipe bombs that they sell now and they caused far less damage.
I think we used to raid your bofire.
Make Love, Not War
Fire works were even advertised on the Telly (YES PHIL TELLY....US POSH KIDS HAD TELLY) You would have been at the Ringworm Clinic at the time.....I remember "Light up the sky with Standard Fireworks".
If this was the best I could do. It wasn't good enough
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
We had a telly but we couldn't afford the gas to run it. I was probably at the impetigo clinic getting my coating of blue unction.
Make Love, Not War
They created a better display and caused more havoc ie: bangers in bottles. good job there was no elf 'n' saftee then.
John they did have Health and safety in olden days.
It used to be called common sense, SB
If this was the best I could do. It wasn't good enough
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
I will say this much about the HSE when it first sprang on to the scene it did a lot of good. It reduced accidents in the industrial environment by a huge percentage. Yes most of it is just good common sense, the trouble being getting people to use it.
The thing is, I think the HSE's job is now over and that they could cut their workforce in half. But instead it's increasing all the time, so they have to keep finding new things to rule on to provide work for a growing workforce. So it's getting sillier and sillier.
Make Love, Not War
hi john...well i cant remember putting bangers in bottles but i wouldnt have put that past my brother... but we did put rockets in and hoped for best we aimed them in the right direction does anyone recall the bengal matches that fired off a green or red flash...boy did we have fune with those...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Bengal matches.........................................they were great
Posts: | 1.107 |
Date registered | 12.27.2009 |
glad someone remembers the bengal matches....i think the only fireworks that i didnt like much were the catherine wheels...if we didnt pin them correctly to the fence they tended to spin off and fly in all directions...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |